Category: Life

  • 2025

    So… It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything here. My last post was literally a 2024 version of this. But still, felt like doing something so I guess we’ll make another one of these posts in hope to kick start things up again. Since my last post, there has been some changes, but not…

  • Life, Cont. (2024 edition)

    So… I haven’t updated in a while. The plan was to make a end of 2023 post about what has (finally) got done and what was (hopefully) going to get done in 2024. However, as it can be seen, that did not happen. Just sort of got sidetracked and forgot. Maybe I do have ADD/ADHD…

  • Remote Working

    One positive thing that came out of the COVID-19 pandemic is the large transition to remote work. Of course, a lot of jobs just simply cannot be done remotely such as warehouse, manufacturing, retail stores, etc. But it showed most corporate jobs that you typically imagine the setting of large, open room with cubicles with…