Final Fantasy XI (work)

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Information about special zones

Zone 0 | en:"unknown"


Prototype/Proof-of-concept/Demo zone. Can only be seen via third-party, external map viewing tools. Using DarkstarProject (Final Fantasy XI Server Emulator Project), attempting to zone to this ID will result in the residential area of Jeuno. Unknown if this is choice by DSP developers or how retail servers actually work. Using Project XI and a much older version of the client before the zone id space was expanded, this area would load. In-engine, the zone is missing the skybox and collision data.

Zone 49 | en:"none"


Referred to as "GM Home" but has no in-engine name.

Zone 131 | en:"Mordion Gaol"

This zone acts as a jail for players that are removed from gameplay by a Game Master.

Zone 133 | en:""(blank)

This zone is the background used for the character creation function.

Zone 199 | en:""(blank)

Using DarkstarProject (Final Fantasy XI Server Emulator Project), attempting to zone to this ID will result in the residential area of Jeuno. Unknown if this is choice by DSP developers or how retail servers actually work.

Zone 210 | en:""(blank)


Similar to zone 49 or "GM Home" but area name is blank. Unknown if NPC list is the same (copy). An explaination to why there is duplicate debug zones is each expansion pack may have had one and each one tests specific functions related to that expansion pack. Such as the implementation of new gameplay mechanics that will be unique to that expansion pack or start with.

Zone 229 | en:""(blank)

Empty zone. Client loads but cannot see anything. Could be well outside of playable space or could be cut-scene area. Unsure.

Zone 229 | en:""(blank)

FFXI-2003 Failed to read data. Client:30170707_0


(zoneids appear to have no relation to filenames)

ROM/0/40.DAT Looks like a debug zone.

ROM/0/52.DAT "Dangruf Wadi"

ROM/0/56.DAT Could be a few different maps. Unsure.

ROM/0/57.DAT "Uleguerand Range"

ROM/0/58.DAT "Qufim Island"

ROM/0/60.DAT Could be a few different maps. Unsure.

ROM/0/61.DAT "Beadeaux"