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Revision as of 03:47, 23 January 2023 by Orin (talk | contribs)
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Used in the following games:

This file is only seen used with reference to "STAGE0.CDF". The other CDF files have the header file embedded inside at the start of CDF files. For this format, it appears the first 120 bytes are used for another type of reference. Online research shows this is streaming file list. The format is a little more complicated than I thought. Also have folder lists as well. However, at least for this one, as far as I can currently tell, there is no folders for STAGE0. All locations are aligned by 2048 bytes to match the CD structure frames/sectors. Initially I misread the zeros as padding but turns out they are the first file entry in the index. File 0 which starts at the offset of the file 0. So looks like 8 bytes of zeros but actually 2, 4 byte values.

The index entry points to a data header section that is 16 bytes that describes the content that is stored at the location. This includes the file type and how large it is along with a few other values to figure out.


Size Content Description
120 bytes Streaming list(?)
Size Content Description
4 bytes File ID
4 bytes File offset in data archive

See Also