PAK (Unnamed1)

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Revision as of 18:55, 3 May 2015 by Orin (talk | contribs)
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Used in the following games:

  • Bible Black 2
  • Discipline
  • Heartwork


Size Content Description
8Bytes Magic/ID
4Bytes Unknown
4Bytes File Count
Index Entry
Size Content Description
24Bytes File name
4Bytes Unknown
4Bytes Offset
Size Content Description
28Bytes Padding (0x00)
4Bytes Total archive size

Seems some tools and even source code somehow ended up in the final packaged files. O.o However, this appears to be for an older version that has a different structure. I still prefer to write my own tools. Some files that are included inside the *.PAK's seem completely useless and are just left over from the creation process such as TAGHEAD and PK.BAT. I need to test if this is true. I need to figure out the last two unknowns. The last index entry is blank and just has an offset position... maybe. Could also be a file size. Needs more research to see how the game engine loads the data.