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// Project: agstools
// Program: archive_tool
// Purpose:
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <filesystem>
// Function: archive_info
// Purpose: Displays info about provided archive.
void archive_info(std::string& input_path)
//Struct --NOTE: May move to global if other functions use it or create overall archive class
struct file_node
std::string name;
int size = 0;
int location = 0;
//Local Variables
std::ifstream input_file;
char* p_buffer = NULL;
file_node* p_files_array = NULL;
//Assumes exists --NOTE: Replace with check to check if exists, then what type.;
p_buffer = new char[8];, 8);
if (p_buffer == MAGIC)
//Not correct format!
// Function: main
// Purpose: Program entry point
int main(int arg_count, char* p_arg_array[])
//Initial argument debug
#ifdef _DEBUG
printf("\nDEBUG: Number of arguments: %i\n", arg_count);
for (int a = 0; a < arg_count; a++)
printf("DEBUG: [%i] %s\n", a, p_arg_array[a]);
//Local Variables
std::string temp;
std::string input_path;
std::string output_path;
//Start program
if (arg_count > 1)
if (arg_count < 5)
temp = p_arg_array[1];
if (temp == "-info" || temp == "-i")
input_path = p_arg_array[2];
if (arg_count >= 3)
//Set output path
return 0; //We good?
printf("\nError! Unknown argument!");
printf("\nError! Too many arguments!");
printf("\nError! Not enough arguments!");
//Usage branding
printf("\n\nUsage: <operation> <target> <option>\n\n");
return 0;